"Star Wars Omnibus"(comic) Obviously the Boba Fett one. It's a trilogy about the bounty hunter wars, sometimes it can be rather slow and a drag to get through but it really show's Boba's character and how robotic he is. They were about Boba growing up and trying to fill his father's shoes, takes place just before Obi-Wan arrives at Kamino till around the 3rd episode. It's a series about 6 or so books long, it's written for kids so it's an easy read and not too bad, grant it I read them as a kid so it's been awhile but from what I remember they were pretty great. "Star Wars Boba Fett The Fight to Survive" Question about Thrawn, or Who's your favorite character? Star Wars RPG D6 West End Games 1987-2000 Star Wars RPG D20 System Wizards of The Coast/Hasbro 2000-2011 Star Wars RPG: Dawn of Rebellion Fantasy Flight (Current system) The Forcebook- (Social Media Site For Star Wars Fans) No Selling, Buying or Trading Merchandise No Overly Excessive Disney/Lucasfilm Bashing Feel free to ask the community as well! Also, join our Discord for even more discussion. If you want to get into Legends, Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that may be helpful. Welcome to the Star Wars Expanded Universe subreddit! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. Denounced as traitors, Fett’s Mandalorians need to stay one step ahead of their Yuuzhan Vong paymasters–and the Republic who sees them as collaborators with the most destructive enemy the galaxy has ever faced.Flair Images (Yes, we know the flair selector is weird, look through here for the images) So convincing the New Republic that they’re fighting on the same side is a tall order.

Trouble is, no one trusts a man with Fett’ s reputation. Since he’ s a practical man, he’s determined help the resistance beat the Yuuzhan Vong–even if it means working with a Jedi agent. Now Fett has to choose between his honor and the survival of his people. When the Yuuzhan Vong invasion force sweeps into the galaxy, the Mandalorians find they’re on the wrong side–fighting for an alien culture that will bring about the end of their own. On the surface, it seems like just another routine contract for Boba Fett and his Mandalorian commandos, but the mystery client who hires them to start a small war is more dangerous than any of them can possibly imagine. BONUS: This original novella includes an excerpt from Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact and an interview with the author.