Dark Anchors in Reaper's March: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Reaper's March. Dark Anchors in Malabal Tor: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Malabal Tor. Dark Anchors in Greenshade: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Greenshade. Dark Anchors in Grahtwood: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Grahtwood. Dark Anchors in Glenumbra: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Glenumbra. Dark Anchors in Eastmarch: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Eastmarch. Dark Anchors in Deshaan: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Deshaan. Dark Anchors in Bangkorai: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Bangkorai. Dark Anchors in Auridon: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Auridon. Dark Anchors in Alik'r Desert: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Alik'r Desert.
These quests are one way of obtaining the Draugr motif. These quests will give Fighters Guild reputation, as well as small box of rewards.
These quests can be shared with other members of your group, so it is possible to do up to 15 of these quests in a day. These quests will send you to destroy three Dark Anchors in a random zone. These quests are offered by Cardea Gallus located within the Fighters Guild buildings of Elden Root, Mournhold and Wayrest.
Bounty: Shadowed Path: Kill necromancers for the Cyrodiil Fighters Guild. Bounty: Gray Vipers: Kill bandits for the Cyrodiil Fighters Guild. Bounty: Goblins: Kill goblins for the Cyrodiil Fighters Guild. Bounty: Black Daggers: Kill bandits for the Cyrodiil Fighters Guild. Will of the Council: Enter Coldharbour and destroy the Mortuum Vivicus. Proving the Deed: Investigate the circumstances surrounding Jofnir's death.
The Prismatic Core: Help the Guildmaster understand the threat to the present in the events of the past. The Dangerous Past: Search a Dwemer ruin for signs of an ancient weapon.
Anchors from the Harbour: Find two Guild members who were investigating Dark Anchors. Hilan's Invitation: Seek out the Fighters Guild. Aicessar's Invitation: Visit the local Fighters Guild.īasile's Invitation: Accept an invitation to join the Fighters Guild.